Monday, September 28, 2009

End of Lebaran

For most people here, Hari Raya here begins with fasting for a month prior to the actual day and a week of celebrations after. During the week of celebrations, most people leave Jakarta to go back to their hometowns and Jakarta becomes quiet and roads emptied. Definitely the best time to explore the city.

And during this holiday, I had enjoyed golf with my good friend Kevin; baked many cookies and bread; and hit the gym frequently.

Though my scores have stayed consistent, I am getting more and more pars. And thanks to tips from friends (Ms Kathleen G.), we are better able to bake cookies that look good and taste good. In fact, Ms Nani W. thinks that they are good enough to be sold! And amazingly, with all these cookies (and thanks to the gym), my abdominal lump is slowly disintegrating into smaller pieces (still on schedule).

Nice course in Bogor.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Lost, and Found

Wife asked for headphones so that she could go gym. But headphones could not be found alongside my handphone.

Then the revelation. Last night, I had left the phone with the headphones in the gym locker and returned the keys!

Upstairs, phone could not be found. Manager (same one as last night) mentioned that he had locked up without checking (I believe him as I saw them locking up while I was waiting for the lift). Records stated a Hxxxx-san (japanese) on 15th floor who had used the same locker this morning. Manager also heard from a cleaner that nothing was found this morning; and that usually, found items are kept in a particular drawer.

Back downstairs, I searched house the third time. M. Phua suggested that I search for the SIM card in vicinity where phone is lost as usually, that is gotten rid of first.

I thought: the phone cannot be lost. There are only 3 parties who had come across the locker. 1. Manager last night (but he looked genuine in the search) 2. Hxxx-san (that's a rich jap and he has no need for such spare cash); which leaves 3. Cleaner this morning

Went up again. Informed receptionist that I am free today and asked for help to make a police report right away. She mentioned Manager will come and help. When he came up, he made a call, and informed that the phone had been found. The cleaner who had found it had kept it safely in a drawer in the staff pantry upstairs as it is safer than the "Found" drawer.

Case closed.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Post Earthquake Interviews

This is the day-postearthquake.

A summary of interviews and observations from yesterday.

Me: Can you please tell us about your experience of the earthquake yesterday?

Wife: I was lying in bed, about to fall asleep with Greg when the bed rocked. I thought Sri (domestic helper) was trying to mop under the bed. Then, I heard noises and saw large amounts of water (from the swimming pool upstairs) splashing outside the windows. I got out of the room and saw Sri shouting "Tolong, Tolong!" (Help! Help!) and had her head banged against the wall as she couldn't stand properly. I knew at once it had to be an earthquake. But I thought the house was going to collapse and that we were going to die due to the noises, violent shakings and waterworks. So I thought we had to run. I opened the door, ran outside, and realised that I was not properly dressed. So I ran back, redressed and ran out of the house carrying a tin of Greg's milkpowder, then we....

Me: Ok, we need to pause for a commercial break. When we come back, we'll interview Greg..

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Some call it Island of the Gods, others call it God of the Islands. Wherever it is, it is near you. Come to XXX now.
This message is brought to you by YYY, a ZZZ company.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Me: Thank you, our next guest is Greg. Greg, could you please tell us about the quake?

Greg: Nge Nge, bao bao, ar groor gowl, nana, ummph.

Me: Translator?

Translator: Quake, what quake? Don't disturb me when I'm reading my papers.

Footnote: Author notices something peculiar, that happened purely out of coincidence. The headlines of the paper was "Quake rattles Java killing 32 and damaging 1300 homes" but Greg happened to fold it to read something like "Quake rattles James 32".

Earthquake, again!

Just when I thought i had nothing to blog...

An earthquake of a magnitude of 7 on the richter scale struck the island of Java, which Jakarta is in.

I was in the lift. At that moment, it shook violently. A quick thinking fella pressed "open" and we managed to get out at the moment the lift electricity died. Phew! I could have been stuck inside for a long time.

Outside the 31st floor, people crouched on the floor and prayed. I was surprised to see such panic and some were clearly shaken (and almost crying). Afterall, this is unlikely the first earthquake that they had experienced. Still, I felt silly for being the "brave" one standing upright and walking around looking for the stairs.

The flight of stairs down was long, crowded and suffocating. Pregnant women were stuck at lower floors and fanned as they had no more strength to go down.

Issue 1: Staircases cannot accomodate an evacuating crowd

Downstairs, phones were unable to call out. Probably airwaves were jammed due to too much calls.

Issue 2: All telcos suck.

I heard a "crick" now that I am back to the office on the 43rd floor. Better run..