But without an inspiration, it is difficult. My sis and friends suggested that I feature more of Greg and his photos (he's more popular than me since his guest blogging debut). Unfortunately, it is hard to capture his photos because he is evasive and seldom grants an interview.
"Buddy" Eric mentioned 3 weeks ago during golf that he is a very fortunate person. Because he has achieved most of what he set out to achieve, such as traveling round the world etc. And he decided that we should set out to play par at golf once in our lifetime as our "worldly target". I dismissed that. One needs to turn "near-pro" to achieve that and I don't have the time.
At that Korean BBQ gathering with the gang of sixteen, there was the elder Lukito. She lost much weight (positively).
Then, people say that if we openly declare our goals, we are more likely to stick to it and friends will "pressure" you to achieve it.
With these three thoughts in mind, I am declaring my goal to achieve prominent six packs by Christmas 2009.
I am currently 61.5kg, waist 31inches, no packs in sight and spare handles at side of approximately 5cm thick (if i had calipers to measure). However, I had started going to the gym with Greg since two weeks ago. I have also not been eating out for lunch for half a year, by depending on wife's home-cooked food that is sent to me at noon daily.
To achieve this target, I simply have to carry on what I am doing now, except, to extremes. Gym 4 times a week, heavy weights, long running, low fat diet, no sugar and then more running again. I will then declare my weight every month end. If the target is achieved, you, the reader, will have the fortune to catch those six packs on this blog. Worst case, I'll borrow Brad Pitt's photo and crop his face.
Here are some pictures of my home-cooked lunches in the past two weeks.
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