Wednesday, July 4, 2012

London Jun 12

Decided on a last minute trip to London with family. Managed to redeem their tickets with frequent flier miles.

Overall, was a great weekend. Not too much walking (but carrying Nicholas in his stroller up and down the Underground was good exercise); had authentic and tasty Thai, Japanese and Chinese foods.

Random photos:

"Spidey" at Tower Bridge.

London Eye

Big Ben

Nic running on grass patch outside Westminister Abbey.

Not your typical Brits.

Portebello market on Saturday.

Damn bird sure know how to choose where to make droppings - on a 300 million year old fossilized wood exhibit outside Natural History Museum.

Gregory's favourite site in London - The Natural History Museum with fascinating exhibits. One of my favourites too (plus it's free!)

Exhibits in the museum. I think the monster outside the glass is scarier...what do you think?

Nicholas outside St Paul's Cathedral.

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